Killjoy 2 Movie Review

Every time I see one of these movies, I am left wondering just how they managed to get so many sequels, because if you thought Killjoy Killjoy 2 review 1 was bad OH BOY you haven't seen Killjoy 2 yet.In this installment, we get less of the clown, on less sets, with far less creativity or visibility and an even less coherent plot and less reasoning

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Terrifier (killer clown) is a total sleep-inducing experience

In a world where horror films tend to rely on jump scares and predictable plotlines, Damien Leo's 2016 film "Terrifier" is an unusual breath of freshness. Through its terrifying, practical effects, its bone-chilling performance by Art the Clown by David Howard Thornton and an impressive outcome on low budget "Terrifier" established its status as a

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Skinned Deep 2004 shines through with amazing performances

Skinned Deep, an American slasher film directed by Gabriel Bartalos and released in 2004 should be highly recommended to lovers in the genre of horror. The Rockwell family is lost on the highway and winds into a strange family due to. The family consists one mother and her three sons whom they call Brain, Plates, and Surgeon General (Jason Dugre an

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You might want to watch Hatchet 3 (2013)

"Hatchet III," the horror film of 2013, tells the story about the vengeful ghost of Victor Crowley. The film was produced by BJ McDonnell. It is the third film in the Hatchet series. Kane Hodder and Zach Galligan are the main actors in the movie.The plot of the film is based on Crowley and his group of hunters as they hunt the survivors of earlier

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